addPoolFactory PoolRecoveryHelper ['multisigs/feesManager'] ['0xB59Ab49CA8d064E645Bf2c546d9FE6d1d4147a09open in new window '] ['20221123-pool-recovery-helperopen in new window '] Adds a Pool Factory and all pools it created to the poolRecoveryHelperopen in new window for monitoring. add_reward ChildChainGauge ['multisigs/feesManager'] ['0xB59Ab49CA8d064E645Bf2c546d9FE6d1d4147a09open in new window '] ['20230316-child-chain-gauge-factory-v2open in new window '] Enables a reward token for direct incentives on a gauge. batchSwap Vault ['20230314-batch-relayer-v5/BalancerRelayer', '20231031-batch-relayer-v6/BalancerRelayer'] ['0x4678731DC41142A902a114aC5B2F77b63f4a259Dopen in new window ', '0x8e620FfCa2580ed87241D7e10F85EE75d0a906F5open in new window '] ['20210418-vaultopen in new window '] Allow a relayer to make a multihop trade or source liquidity from multiple pools on a users behalf. Relayer permissions notesopen in new window . denylistToken ProtocolFeesWithdrawer ['multisigs/emergency'] ['0x79b131498355daa2cC740936fcb9A7dF76A86223open in new window '] ['20220517-protocol-fee-withdraweropen in new window '] Adds a token to the ProtocolFeeWithdrawer deny list which prevents the withdrawal of that token from the ProtocolFeeCollector. disable PoolFactory ['multisigs/emergency', 'multisigs/feesManager'] ['0x79b131498355daa2cC740936fcb9A7dF76A86223open in new window ', '0xB59Ab49CA8d064E645Bf2c546d9FE6d1d4147a09open in new window '] ['20230409-erc4626-linear-pool-v4open in new window ', '20240223-composable-stable-pool-v6open in new window ', '20230410-aave-linear-pool-v5open in new window ', '20230320-composable-stable-pool-v4open in new window ', '20230320-weighted-pool-v4open in new window ', '20230711-composable-stable-pool-v5open in new window ', '20230411-managed-pool-v2open in new window ', '20230409-yearn-linear-pool-v2open in new window ', '20230711-zkevm-composable-stable-pool-v5open in new window ', '20230409-gearbox-linear-pool-v2open in new window '] Disables new creation of pools from a pool factory. disableRecoveryMode Pool ['multisigs/emergency'] ['0x79b131498355daa2cC740936fcb9A7dF76A86223open in new window '] ['20240223-composable-stable-pool-v6open in new window ', '20230320-composable-stable-pool-v4open in new window ', '20230320-weighted-pool-v4open in new window ', '20230711-composable-stable-pool-v5open in new window ', '20230711-zkevm-composable-stable-pool-v5open in new window '] Removes a pool from Recovery Modeopen in new window . enableRecoveryMode Pool ['multisigs/emergency', '20221123-pool-recovery-helper/PoolRecoveryHelper'] ['0xf7D5DcE55E6D47852F054697BAB6A1B48A00ddbdopen in new window ', '0x79b131498355daa2cC740936fcb9A7dF76A86223open in new window '] ['20230409-erc4626-linear-pool-v4open in new window ', '20240223-composable-stable-pool-v6open in new window ', '20230410-aave-linear-pool-v5open in new window ', '20230320-composable-stable-pool-v4open in new window ', '20230320-weighted-pool-v4open in new window ', '20230711-composable-stable-pool-v5open in new window ', '20230411-managed-pool-v2open in new window ', '20230409-yearn-linear-pool-v2open in new window ', '20230711-zkevm-composable-stable-pool-v5open in new window ', '20230409-gearbox-linear-pool-v2open in new window '] Puts a pool into Recovery Modeopen in new window . exitPool Vault ['20230314-batch-relayer-v5/BalancerRelayer', '20231031-batch-relayer-v6/BalancerRelayer'] ['0x4678731DC41142A902a114aC5B2F77b63f4a259Dopen in new window ', '0x8e620FfCa2580ed87241D7e10F85EE75d0a906F5open in new window '] ['20210418-vaultopen in new window '] Allow a relayer to remove liquidity from a pool on the user's behalf. Relayer permissions notesopen in new window . joinPool Vault ['20230314-batch-relayer-v5/BalancerRelayer', '20231031-batch-relayer-v6/BalancerRelayer'] ['0x4678731DC41142A902a114aC5B2F77b63f4a259Dopen in new window ', '0x8e620FfCa2580ed87241D7e10F85EE75d0a906F5open in new window '] ['20210418-vaultopen in new window '] Allow a relayer to add liquidity to a pool on the user's behalf. Relayer permissions notesopen in new window . manageUserBalance Vault ['20230314-batch-relayer-v5/BalancerRelayer', '20231031-batch-relayer-v6/BalancerRelayer'] ['0x4678731DC41142A902a114aC5B2F77b63f4a259Dopen in new window ', '0x8e620FfCa2580ed87241D7e10F85EE75d0a906F5open in new window '] ['20210418-vaultopen in new window '] Utilize existing Vault allowances and internal balances so that a user does not have to re-approve the new relayer for each token. Relayer permissions notesopen in new window . pause Pool ['multisigs/emergency'] ['0x79b131498355daa2cC740936fcb9A7dF76A86223open in new window '] ['20230409-erc4626-linear-pool-v4open in new window ', '20240223-composable-stable-pool-v6open in new window ', '20230410-aave-linear-pool-v5open in new window ', '20230320-composable-stable-pool-v4open in new window ', '20230320-weighted-pool-v4open in new window ', '20230711-composable-stable-pool-v5open in new window ', '20230411-managed-pool-v2open in new window ', '20230409-yearn-linear-pool-v2open in new window ', '20230711-zkevm-composable-stable-pool-v5open in new window ', '20230409-gearbox-linear-pool-v2open in new window '] Stops trading in a pool. Proportinal withdraws are still possible. registerProtocolId ProtocolIdRegistry ['multisigs/feesManager'] ['0xB59Ab49CA8d064E645Bf2c546d9FE6d1d4147a09open in new window '] ['20230223-protocol-id-registryopen in new window '] Registers a protocol in the linear pool protocol registry. removePoolFactory PoolRecoveryHelper ['multisigs/feesManager'] ['0xB59Ab49CA8d064E645Bf2c546d9FE6d1d4147a09open in new window '] ['20221123-pool-recovery-helperopen in new window '] Removes a Pool Factory and all pools it created to the poolRecoveryHelperopen in new window for monitoring. renameProtocolId ProtocolIdRegistry ['multisigs/feesManager'] ['0xB59Ab49CA8d064E645Bf2c546d9FE6d1d4147a09open in new window '] ['20230223-protocol-id-registryopen in new window '] Rename a protocolId in the linear pool protocol registry. setFeeTypePercentage ProtocolFeePercentagesProvider ['multisigs/dao'] ['0x2f237e7643a3bF6Ef265dd6FCBcd26a7Cc38dbAaopen in new window '] ['20220725-protocol-fee-percentages-provideropen in new window '] Sets the protocol fee for a particular fee type for this deployment. setFlashLoanFeePercentage ProtocolFeesCollector ['20220725-protocol-fee-percentages-provider/ProtocolFeePercentagesProvider'] ['0x1802953277FD955f9a254B80Aa0582f193cF1d77open in new window '] ['20210418-vaultopen in new window '] Sets the protocol fee charged on flash loans for this deployment. setPaused Vault ['multisigs/emergency'] ['0x79b131498355daa2cC740936fcb9A7dF76A86223open in new window '] ['20210418-vaultopen in new window '] Stops all trading activity involving the vault. setRelayerApproval Vault ['20230314-batch-relayer-v5/BalancerRelayer', '20231031-batch-relayer-v6/BalancerRelayer'] ['0x4678731DC41142A902a114aC5B2F77b63f4a259Dopen in new window ', '0x8e620FfCa2580ed87241D7e10F85EE75d0a906F5open in new window '] ['20210418-vaultopen in new window '] Approve the relayer on the user's behalf (user must still provide a signed message). Relayer permissions notesopen in new window . setSwapFeePercentage Pool ['multisigs/feesManager'] ['0xB59Ab49CA8d064E645Bf2c546d9FE6d1d4147a09open in new window '] ['20230409-erc4626-linear-pool-v4open in new window ', '20240223-composable-stable-pool-v6open in new window ', '20230410-aave-linear-pool-v5open in new window ', '20230320-composable-stable-pool-v4open in new window ', '20230320-weighted-pool-v4open in new window ', '20230711-composable-stable-pool-v5open in new window ', '20230409-yearn-linear-pool-v2open in new window ', '20230711-zkevm-composable-stable-pool-v5open in new window ', '20230409-gearbox-linear-pool-v2open in new window '] Pools: Authorize change of swap fees for pools that delegate ownership to Balancer Governance: 0xba1ba1... Deployments : Sets the protocol fee charged on swaps for this deployment.setSwapFeePercentage ProtocolFeesCollector ['20220725-protocol-fee-percentages-provider/ProtocolFeePercentagesProvider'] ['0x1802953277FD955f9a254B80Aa0582f193cF1d77open in new window '] ['20210418-vaultopen in new window '] Pools: Authorize change of swap fees for pools that delegate ownership to Balancer Governance: 0xba1ba1... Deployments : Sets the protocol fee charged on swaps for this deployment.setTargets Pool ['multisigs/feesManager'] ['0xB59Ab49CA8d064E645Bf2c546d9FE6d1d4147a09open in new window '] ['20230409-gearbox-linear-pool-v2open in new window ', '20230409-yearn-linear-pool-v2open in new window ', '20230410-aave-linear-pool-v5open in new window ', '20230409-erc4626-linear-pool-v4open in new window '] Allows setting the targets of the linear pools. Targets determine the ideal amount of unwrapped tokens. setTokenRateCacheDuration Pool ['multisigs/dao'] ['0x2f237e7643a3bF6Ef265dd6FCBcd26a7Cc38dbAaopen in new window '] ['20230320-composable-stable-pool-v4open in new window '] Manage price caching on linear pools. See hereopen in new window for more details on configurable settings for linear pools. set_reward_distributor ChildChainGauge ['multisigs/feesManager'] ['0xB59Ab49CA8d064E645Bf2c546d9FE6d1d4147a09open in new window '] ['20230316-child-chain-gauge-factory-v2open in new window '] Not Found startAmplificationParameterUpdate Pool ['multisigs/feesManager'] ['0xB59Ab49CA8d064E645Bf2c546d9FE6d1d4147a09open in new window '] ['20230711-composable-stable-pool-v5open in new window ', '20230320-composable-stable-pool-v4open in new window ', '20230711-zkevm-composable-stable-pool-v5open in new window ', '20240223-composable-stable-pool-v6open in new window '] Start ramping up or down the A factor of a stableswap pool that delegated ownership to Balancer Governance: 0xba1ba1... stopAmplificationParameterUpdate Pool ['multisigs/feesManager'] ['0xB59Ab49CA8d064E645Bf2c546d9FE6d1d4147a09open in new window '] ['20230711-composable-stable-pool-v5open in new window ', '20230320-composable-stable-pool-v4open in new window ', '20230711-zkevm-composable-stable-pool-v5open in new window ', '20240223-composable-stable-pool-v6open in new window '] Stop A-factor change leaving the A-Factor at its currently set value on a stableswap pool that delegated ownership to Balancer Governance: 0xba1ba1... swap Vault ['20230314-batch-relayer-v5/BalancerRelayer', '20231031-batch-relayer-v6/BalancerRelayer'] ['0x4678731DC41142A902a114aC5B2F77b63f4a259Dopen in new window ', '0x8e620FfCa2580ed87241D7e10F85EE75d0a906F5open in new window '] ['20210418-vaultopen in new window '] Allow a relayer to trade within a single pool on the user's behalf. Relayer permissions notesopen in new window . withdrawCollectedFees ProtocolFeesCollector ['20220517-protocol-fee-withdrawer/ProtocolFeesWithdrawer'] ['0x230a59F4d9ADc147480f03B0D3fFfeCd56c3289aopen in new window '] ['20210418-vaultopen in new window '] Allows the withdrawal of collected protocol fees. withdrawCollectedFees ProtocolFeesWithdrawer ['mimic/smartVaultV3', 'multisigs/feesManager'] ['0x9e5D6427D2cdaDC68870197b099C2Df535Ec3c97open in new window ', '0xB59Ab49CA8d064E645Bf2c546d9FE6d1d4147a09open in new window '] ['20220517-protocol-fee-withdraweropen in new window '] Allows the withdrawal of collected protocol fees.